On behalf of the entire Madison Family, I would like to warmly welcome you to Madison Elementary–a K-6 STEM-certified school where we are dedicated to working with and for the entire Madison community–our community–to live up to Warsaw Community Schools’ mission ‘to inspire and equip all students to continuously acquire and apply knowledge and skills while pursuing their dreams and enriching the lives of others.’
My name is Francesca Hoffmann, and I have the incredible privilege and honor of serving as the principal of Madison Elementary School. I joined the #MadisonFamily as principal in June 2022 after entering teaching untraditionally through AmeriCorps’s “Teach for America” thirteen years ago as a first-grade teacher at Miami-Dade County Public Schools in Miami, Florida, which shaped my career trajectory, teaching philosophy, and life-long goal of ensuring a high-quality public education for all students. During my time teaching in Miami, I also taught fourth-grade reading, writing, and science. From there, I served as the first-grade lead literacy teacher at a Blue-Ribbon elementary school, D.C. Preparatory Academy, in NE Washington, D.C. Prior to serving in my current role, I most recently worked as a school district attorney at the law firm Lewis Kappes as part of the firm’s education law practice group, taught “Legal and Ethical Issues for Teachers” at IU Bloomington’s School of Education, worked as a legal aid attorney with Indiana Legal Services, and served at the Chief of Staff for the South Bend Empowerment Zone. My roles as a public school teacher, charter school teacher, teacher educator, policy consultant, school district attorney, and district-level administrator provide me with a unique skill set that I am excited to share with the community, and I also can’t wait to learn from our entire #MadisonCommunity, as well. Together, with all of our unique skill sets and love for our students, I’m excited to build on the outstanding work already being done at Madison to take Madison to even greater heights together.
One thing is abundantly clear: At Madison Elementary, we have first class, one-of-a-kind teachers and staff that whole-heartedly demonstrate dedication to excellence and love for all Madison students day in and day out. And, we have first-class students and families (you!)--our valued partners in education–who are our whole reason for doing what we do.
I am thrilled, grateful, and deeply honored to have the opportunity to serve as principal and feel so fortunate that I get to spend my days with the staff, students, and families of Madison Elementary School.
The #MadisonFamily welcomes you!