Collage of photos of students. Top is elementary class posed in front of white board, bottom left is a p hoto of elementary students working on a project at their group desk with the teacher in the background, bottom right is a student reading a book at his desk


Please help us by getting your student to school/class on time.

  • If your child is absent please call the attendance line at 574-566-2300 to report their absence. Please leave a message if we are unable to answer. We check the machine regularly.

  • Need to leave for an appointment? Please call 574-566-2300 at least 1/2 hour before your student needs to leave. This gives us enough time to inform the student and the teacher.

  • Doctor Notes: Please turn them into the attendance office so we can clear your student's attendance.

  • Reminder: Students are limited to 7 parent and/or medically excused absences per semester. Each absence counts toward the limit of 7 absences as stated above. After the allowed day limit, each additional absence must be covered medically with a doctor’s note to be excused.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact: Marsha Sands

Attendance and Truancy, Policy #5200 Students who attend school consistently and are on time develop better socially, establish better communications with their teachers, acquire important life habits such as dependability, self-sufficiency, and responsibility and have more success academically.

Please Contact Us for Attendance Exceptions