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Bullying Prevention by Students #5517.01 An act of bullying, by either an individual student or a group of students, is expressly prohibited. This policy applies not only to students who directly engage in an act of bullying but also to students who, by their indirect behavior, condone, or support another student’s act of bullying.
Students should report bullying to their teachers. Parents are encouraged to contact the school if they have any concerns regarding their child’s physical and mental health.
Students who view bullying or believe they have been bullied need to report it. This can be done by using our anonymous tip line SpeakUp. Students can email, call, or text to make a report: or (574) 635-5652. Student iPads also have a SpeakUp app on them. Students can also make a report by emailing the principal, assistant principal, or guidance counselor. The administration team does its best to ensure that reports of bullying are confidential.