Monday, September 21st, will be a scheduled eLearning day. Look for the "e" icon for eLearning on the student iPad. Assignments are also posted on the school website under the “e” icon. #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Scheduled elearning day
Reminder to ALL Claypool students, Monday, September 21 is an e-Learning Day. Students do NOT report to the school building on this day. Assignments will be posted online Monday morning.
over 4 years ago, Claypool Elementary
ipad pic
Calling ALL Volunteers! Opportunities available at ALL buildings. As little or as much as you’re able. COVID-19 guidelines followed. Background checks provided. Contact (574) 371-5098 x 2482 #wcsmission #ForwardTogether Link:
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Reminder: All buses will be running 50 min. later on Monday, September 14, 2020. Buses will be picking up students 50 min. later than regular time. #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
School Bus
Mrs. Hepler’s first grade class has recently learned to play a “new” recess game. Hopscotch! They were surprised to learn this game is actually hundreds of years old.
over 4 years ago, Claypool Elementary
SAP: Onsite or Telecounseling is now available through the Student Assistance Plan. To schedule private and confidential counseling sessions: 1 800 342 5653 More details available - LINK: <>
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Student Assistance Plan
Student absences need to be called into the office by 10:15. Any special dismissal instructions need to be called in before 3:30 to allow time for those messages to be delivered. Claypool's phone number is 574-566-2300. Thanks for helping us keep our students safe.
over 4 years ago, Claypool Elementary
Absence phone calls need to be received by 10:15 and end of day instructions must be received by 3:30.
Reminder! Late start mornings have moved to Mondays this year! Every Monday we will begin our day 50 minutes later than usual. Busses will also run 50 minutes later those days. Students may begin to enter the building at 9:50. Our first late start Monday will be August 24.
over 4 years ago, Claypool Elementary
Late start every Monday morning. Students may enter beginning at 9:50 AM.
Sign Up Now to get WCS Menu Email Service. Click the link below to choose the Warsaw Community school or schools for your family and always know what's for breakfast + lunch! #wcsmission LINK:
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Going Green Email Menu Opt in
Attention all Claypool Knights! Additions to school supply lists. ALL elementary students need to have a mask for school, as well as individual bottles of hand sanitizer. In addition, students in grades K-4 will need a charging block and a lightning cable to charge their iPad.
over 4 years ago, Claypool Elementary
Did you miss soccer this spring and summer? Warsaw Men's Soccer is hosting a Play Day! Register:
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
FYI: If you received a message from CAREDOX regarding completing health information for a WCS student, please disregard the deadline. A clarifying message will be sent to registered students. Parents still have time to register and complete the required information via CAREDOX.
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
WCS Logo
iPad insurance signup for 5th and 6th graders is now available! While insurance is not required it is highly recommended. Sign up for insurance
over 4 years ago, Claypool Elementary
iPad insurance
iPad insurance Spanish
In case you missed the great feature WSBT22 ran on @WCS_District Summer School Partnership w/@UnitedWayKosc here is the broadcast: #ForwardTogether #STARTUNITED #wcsmission
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Bickel & Hauselman Ready to Go Bags
United Way is partnering with Warsaw Schools to launch START UNITED, a summer experience for 1,000 children who need a boost before the first day of school. This partnership provides an on-ramp for students who need to regain any momentum that has been lost since March. Routine is so important for kids. It gives them the security they need to explore and take risks. United Way is ready to take the first step in helping our kids reset their routines. Read United matches volunteers with a classroom where they will share stories via Zoom call. United Way provides books and prompt cards. Volunteers read once a week for 15 minutes for 3 weeks. 100 volunteers are needed. Sign up at United Way’s website, Registration deadline is July 19th. #ForwardTogether #wcsmission #STARTUNITED
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Dr. Hoffert Grumpy Monkey
WSBT22 @LaurenBeckerTV visited Lakeview Middle School today to learn more about the upcoming START UNITED partnership between United Way of Kosciusko County and WCS. Tune in today at 4 pm and again at 5 pm to hear from JoElla Hauselman and Darren Bickel as WSBT features the preschool-5th grade START UNITED summer school to set WCS students up for success! Check out to help build a Ready-to-Go bag, join READ UNITED, or make a donation. #STARTUNITED #ForwardTogether #wcsmission
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
JoElla and Darren Ready to go Bags
Darren Bickel UW
JoElla Hauselman
Lakeview Middle School
WCS is partnering with United Way to launch START UNITED. United Way of Kosciusko County will be supporting the upcoming summer school program for k-5 with a Virtual Reading Resource for teachers to use during the session and again in the school year. United Way is also donating handmade masks in student-size and adult-size as well as Ready-to-Go bags filled with school supplies for ALL students who attend. A BIG thank you to Angela Hopper, WCHS, for setting up the recording equipment, and to Logan Smith, Class of 2022, for volunteering his time this week to videotape guest readers. United Way is working hard to recruit community volunteers, so we look forward to having lots of story tellers on the WCS Youtube Channel. START UNITED is a great partnership that will set up students for a successful school year! #STARTUNITED #ForwardTogether #wcsmission Sign Up Today:
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Darren Bickel United Way
Sharon Sallot United Way
Ready To Go bags
July 6, 2020: Return to School Part III Please join Dr. Hoffert as he welcomes WCS students back to school for Summer Session II hosted at Edgewood. Dr. Hoffert speaks with Mark Fick, Director of Transportation, about the safety protocols on school buses. Thanks to all leaders, teachers, bus drivers, parents, and students for a successful launch today. It was great to see students and teachers back together in the classroom! #ForwardTogether #wcsmission ALL Registration Links Here:
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
Dr. Hoffert and Mark Fick
Happy 4th of July! Enjoy your summer celebrations...we’ll see you in 45 days Find ALL Links Here: #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
July 4 Flag
F.A.O. WCS Returning Students Dr. David Hoffert will send out a message to all WCS families with a reminder to REGISTER on Powerschool to help WCS with staffing and class sizes. ALL Registration Links Here: #wcsmission #ForwardTogether
over 4 years ago, Amanda Scroggs
WCS Online Registration